Over the past few years I’ve had the privilege of working with some incredibly talented individuals here at the Studio. I’ve enjoyed it so much, in fact, that it only makes sense to start doing it more, with more people.
So I’ve decided to hang out a shingle and offer my services as a songwriting partner, producer and engineer. I’ll also do other stuff if you ask me nice (not that kind of stuff, pervo… and if you think I mean you, I probably do just by virtue of your suspicion).
(Also, you probably don’t have to be that nice. Frankly, there’s something a little weird about how “nice” everyone is here in the NW… as a transplant in the early 90s, I’ve experienced the “Seattle Freeze”* first-hand, and continue to see it from time to time – I prefer folks tell it like it is, don’t you?)
Head on over and check out mkultrastudios.com!
* Look it up! It’s real…